Tournament Info
( For 2023 90% of Entry Fee will be paid in Prizes, 10% will be donated to the BRCCC ) Guaranteed Prize Money Based on 25 Boats entering

$5,000 Atlantic Tackle Gift Card Prize Awarded for Single Heaviest Tuna. All Base Entrants Eligible for Prize.
- a. Registered boats can “fun fish” or run a charter on their undeclared fishing days.
- a. Once a Tournament boat wets a fishing line, they have declared themselves fishing one of the eligible two days.
- b. If a Tournament boat is hooked-up at lines out, the Team may fight the fish until boated or lost. The vessel must arrive at the scales before they close with their catch, for that day, to be eligible for scoring.
- c. Any boat still fighting a SWORDFISH after the 3:30 PM deadline:
- c-1. Will be permitted to fight that fish until boated, released or lost – except that in order to be eligible for prize money, the SWORDFISH must be made available for weighing no later than 7:00 PM on Saturday October 14th, regardless of which fishing day the hookup occurred.
- c-2. If that boat has any other fish on board intended for weighing, it must report to another registered tournament boat, Tournament Directors or another boat that can be verified by 3:30 PM the species of boated fish, the exact length and girth, estimated weight and when the fish was boated. Only fish that match the reported length and girth will be weighed. No additional fish may be targeted or boated, after lines out, until the boat has returned to the inlet and commenced another fishing day.
- a. Tournament boats must arrive at the OC Junction Buoy, the green/red marker at the fork of the OC Inlet, by 7:30PM October 7-13th and 7:00 PM on Saturday October 14th. A committee boat will be patrolling the area to witness your arrival. You have 30 minutes from passing the OC Junction Buoy to make your fish available for weigh-in at the scales.
- b. Tournament participants may truck their catch to the scales.
- c. Any Participants fishing from a port other than Ocean City will be offered complimentary dockage for the night should they weigh a fish; boats electing to stay the night may fish from the Ocean City Inlet the following day or return to home port.
- a. If a fish does not meet the minimum weight another fish may be presented for consideration. A Team’s single largest fish will be included in their stringer weight.
(Example: A Team weighs their single largest Sword/ Tuna and may add up to two more fish of any combination (Swordfish, Tuna, Wahoo) to arrive at their daily stringer total). Multiple Swordfish Big Eye Tunas can be added to the stringer weight. - b. All fish weighed as Single Fish are eligible to be included in Stringer.
- a. Boats are not permitted to cross the 125 nautical mile boundary for any reason.
- a. No limit on # of anglers per boat.
- a. A contestant’s fish may be transferred to another boat in the event of a disabled vessel or if swordfish only is too large to load on the Boat it was caught on. If a fish transfer should occur, a representative from the original Team should accompany the fish to the scales. Tournament Officials should be notified of such a transfer.
- a. Skill Level Notes: Daily prizes your day 1 against others day 1. This is your first day of fishing against other Team's first day of fishing, in some cases it will not be the same day. The same concept applies to day 2. There are only two days for dailies, all boats have a day 1 and a day 2.
- b. Added Levels G and H (Boat Size) are all based on manufactures length. Boats may choose to compete in a class larger than their boat but may only compete in one class. At no time can a boat compete in a class smaller than their boat.
Decisions of the Tournament Committee as to winners shall be final. Any protest must be made in writing and must be presented at Tournament headquarters (Sunset Marina) by 7:00 PM on the day of allegation. Protests must be accompanied by a $500.00 deposit which will be refunded if the protest is upheld. Otherwise, the deposit will be forfeited.
Fish entered in the competition are subject to a Tory Meter Test. Winning anglers and crew mem-bers agree to submit to a polygraph the Monday after the event.
Fishing by any one boat either day or partial day constitutes a tournament. If totally canceled by an Act of God or natural disaster, available purse monies will be added to the 2024 Bishop Broadbill Bash Tournament. There will be NO REFUNDS.
All catches must be iced and maintained properly. No mutilated fish will be scored.
Participants are assumed to have all necessary permits, licenses and/or registrations required by law. However, it is not the responsibility of the Tournament Officials or Directors to verify that all required permits, licenses and/or registrations are acquired by anglers participating in the Tour-nament. Failure of a winning angler to have obtained any or all required permits, licenses and/or registrations shall not be the basis for a protest to be filed under the General Tournament Rules, or for a fish to be disqualified.
The Tournament and its sponsors are not responsible for the conduct, personal injury, damages, or negligence on the part of any participant.
The Tournament reserves the right to inspect any boats entered in competition without notice.
The Tournament is held in compliance with any applicable laws governing the State of Maryland or the United States of America.
The Tournament Committee shall have the right to rule and decide on any dispute. Participants entering this Tournament agree that the decision of the Tournament Committee shall be final and binding in any matter requiring their action.